Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Missions Minded

I had the awesome opportunity tonight to attend a prayer meeting for the missions teams. I honestly did not know what to expect and I did not go into it with a very good attitude or open heart. Thankfully God works in me despite of me. 

The first 30 minutes or so, I just went around to each teams display and prayed for the country, the needs, and the team themselves. It is crazy to think of all the hurt and need that is in these countries, not to mention in the world at large. While this part was amazing, it was what happened after that truly made this night worthwhile. Chris Owens called up the Tanzania team and we just began to pray for them and the difficult task they set out to do (They are going to build a 50 mile road). It was amazing to see the whole room gather around this team and just encourage them, pray for them, and marvel at God's glory. 

After the prayer subsided, Chris Owen asked the freshmen to raise their hands. There were a few of us, but he chose me and Jonathan to represent them. We got to the middle of the circle and were surrounded by outstretched hands and loud prayers to God. We prayed that the freshmen class would become awaken to the spirit of God. We prayed that they would feel a sense of urgency towards missions and that they would realize that today is the day. We prayed that regardless of our major, we would consider ourselves missionaries.

I think that this is a mindset that we all need to take. So many people make the excuse that they are not "called to missions", but this is just an excuse. Everyone is called to missions. Some people may go across town, some people across the country, and some people across the world. Wherever you are called to go, just go! The time is now. There is no reason to wait. We need to be a people who sees what needs to be done and does it. We need to be so excited about this good news we have, that we want to share it with everyone. Dont let excuses, or fear keep you from spreading the gospel to ALL nations. Let's get missions minded and change the world for Christ!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Proper Use of LOL

Now I usually try to have my blogs be somewhat deep and insightful, but this one will not be. It has come to my attention, through several online and texting conversations, that many people do not know the proper use of the acronym LOL.

For those of you who dont know, or perhaps forgot, LOL stands for "Laugh Out Loud". This means that whatever you wrote in front of the LOL should in fact cause laughter. But I have found that many people are beginning to use LOL as a filler for when things are awkward or seem out of place, but are not actually making me LOL.So I have decided to make a list of some examples of when NOT to use LOL and explain to you why.

1. "How are you?"... "I'm tired lol" This is not LOL worthy because not only is being in need of sleep not amusing, but is actually quite common so you cant even put it in the "unusual LOL" category.

2. "Hi!" ..."Hey lol" The return of a greeting is not funny, its polite. It does not matter how out of the ordinary the greeting may be, it still does not justify a LOL

3. "I am going swimming later".... "Oh cool. I can't swim lol" The statement of personal facts is usually not funny. It usually just justifies the other person teasing you about that fact for the rest of your life. You dont want to open yourself up to that. A more appropriate ending might be a sad emoticon. (WARNING: USE OF EMOTICON DOES NOT PREVENT YOU FROM BEING TEASED) You should probably just stick with the "Oh cool" and leave out the embarrassing details.

4. "I like you" ...""lol" This is just mean. If someone tells you any sort of feelings that are not reciprocated, even if you do actually laugh out loud, dont tell them about it.

There are so many more counter-examples I could share, but for the sake of those who said them I will not post them. Just keep this in mind: If you are laughing out loud then its ok to put LOL,  but if you think that what you are saying is awkward or will make the other person feel uncomfortable don't put LOL...actually you really just shouldn't type anything lol