Thursday, April 14, 2011

4 Months Ago (An update on my life)

I had a very reflective night tonight. I thought about the last 4 months and how much things have changed.I also realized that it has been a long time since I have written a blog. So I figured I would use this entry as a way to catch people up on my life as well as brag on God for how he has worked out everything for me in ways I never expected. So here is a quick recap of the last 4 months of my life. Lets start with the obvious...
1. Its a new year. 2011 is here and is going by fast. 
2. I have finished my first semester of college and am 3 weeks away from finishing my second. 
3. I have successfully taught in my first real class and am a third of the way to being certified as a teacher.
4. I am dating Jacob again. This was probably the most sudden and unexpected change that has happened in the past 4 months, but has also been the best.
5. I am going to Romania. I am leaving on May 7 to go on a week long mission trip and am super excited.

So now that you know the highlights of my year so far, lets get to the reflection...
I was talking to my good friend Zach tonight about how things have changed for both of us int he recent weeks and months. We were able to really sit back and think about how God has changed both of our lives for the better and has shown us that He is truly the supreme planner of our destinies. But more than that, He gave both of us an idea of what would have happened, if we would have acted on impulse and behaved in the way that we wanted or in the way we had acted in the past. Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. If things would have gone down the way that I wanted them to from October to January I would probably be feuding with my two best friends; I most likely would not have gotten back together with Jacob, and another relationship would have been prevented or severely damaged. 

This just goes to show what a crazy, awesome, powerful God we serve. Although I am not trying to say that I know exactly how my life would have planned out if I had taken another path (I'm confident that it would have eventually worked out in my favor), I do know that it definitely would have been filled with a lot more drama and hardship. I am just so thankful that God knows best and that He doesn't always give us what we want.

If you would have talked to me 4 months ago and told me about how my life is now, I probably wouldn't have believed you. But looking at it now, I'm so glad that God blessed me with things that I never saw coming. I am grateful that I serve a God who has my life in His hands and who wants whats best for me, even if I don't see it yet.

I can't wait to see what God had in store for the next 4 months!


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