Friday, July 8, 2011


WOW...It has been a loooonnnnggg time since I have blogged. I wanna say its because Ive been busy, but really its just been that I have had a little case of blog apathy. So here is a quick update on my life before I get into what I really wanna blog about...

I am on summer vacation and have had a really fun filled summer. I went on a mission trip to Romania in early May and loved it! Got to meet some amazing people and experience big change. I have made several trips to Orlando and South Florida this year as well as a trip to St. Augustine. Other then traveling, I have been working at Chartwells for the summer and have actually enjoyed it very much. I am also getting ready to start a new adventure as the children's pastor at the Roots Community Church (the church that we moved up here to plant) in August. I am so excited and cannot wait to see how God uses me to reach his children.

But now its time for me to talk the thing that was able to rid me of my blogger's block (so to speak). That topic is gratitentment (grat-i-tent-ment) (This is the combination of gratitude and contentment). I realized today while I was cleaning tables at work (I get epiphanies quite often while cleaning at work) that I have done a really good job at complaining. I have been discontent and ungrateful and have let everyone know about it. I have acted childish, throwing fits and crying when things have not gone my way (not actual like kicking and screaming fits, but more like whining Facebook status fits). I realized today how stupid this really is. If I learned anything from this past year, it is how truly blessed I am and how much God has taken care of me. Here is just a small list of things that I have to be thankful for...
  1. God's love (and everything it encompasses) - I mess up daily and it is nice to know that even though I am a screwed up, ungrateful, far from perfect sinner that I still have the love, mercy, forgiveness, and relationship with the most powerful God. On top of that there is the selfless act that is son did to save me despite all that I do wrong. That in itself should be enough to get me to praise Him and be so thankful.
  2. My family- I have the greatest family in the world (I know everyone says that, but that doesn't make it any less true when I say it). I have two of the hardest working parents I have ever seen who are there to help me in so many ways and provide me with everything I need. I have the coolest older sister in the world who is always there to listen to me, give me advice, and just be a friend. I also have the sweetest little brother ever. I'm serious on this one, I don't know another 16 year old boy who is as sweet and caring as my little brother. I admire that it him and feel so blessed by his kindness everyday.  Not to mention that I have two adorable puppies who happily greet me every time I come home (even thought they almost knock me down)
  3. My friends- If I were to think of all the great adjectives that I know, that still would not be enough to describe all of my amazing friends. Some of them I have known for years, some of them I just met and feel like I've known them for years. Either way, these are the people who enrich my life when I'm not at home with my family. My friends make me laugh, challenge me, and make my life so much brighter.
  4. My boyfriend- (Go ahead and commence with the AWWW's) My boyfriend is one of the most authentic, respectful, funny, caring and amazing men I have ever met. He is the one who I can talk to anything about, he can tall how I am feeling just by the tone of my voice and has a way of understanding me that few others have. I cannot possibly express the impact he has made on my life and how God has used him to speak to me and show me things.
  5. All of my possessions- I could have listed each individual thing I own that I am thankful for (my car, my bed, my ipod, my clothes, etc) but I decided to group it all together. I am so blessed to have the things that I have. I know a lot of people who don't have the amount of stuff that I have, I have plenty of food on the table everyday, I have a closet full of cute clothes and shoes, I have a house that keeps me safe and warm, and I have lots of other gadgets that arent even necessary but are very nice (laptop, ipod, cell phone, TV). Overall, I would say that I am a little spoiled compared to what a lot of other people have.
  6. My job- Last but not least is my job. I'm just thankful to have one, let alone one that I enjoy. It may not be what I am doing for the rest of my life (I certainly hope not) but it is perfect for my life right now. I get consistent hours, a flexible schedule, great co-workers, and its close to my house. I don't think I could ask for anything better.
So as you can see here from the list above (which is not a complete list, but it will do) I have a lot of things to be grateful for. So why am I constantly so complainy? It all stems from discontent. I always expect things to go how I want them to go. I want things to fit into my plan and schedule. Fortunately for me, that is not how life works. I need to constantly be reminded that my life is not up to me. (Which is a good thing because I don't always make the wisest or best decisions) God is the only one who controls my destiny and as soon as I let go of control (which is easier said then done) then that gives Him room to blow my mind and change my life. 

So from now on I am going to start each day thanking God for all He has done for me and given me. Life is too good for me to sit and complain about it. All that is going to do is fuel my discontent, deepen my distrust in God's plan, and annoy everyone around me. So its time to start living a life of gratitment.

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's will tat prevails" -Proverbs 19:21


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