Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog Virgin

Today has been such an amazing day. So amazing in fact that it inspired me to start a blog. I had never really considered myself the "blog" type, but it seems like something that you do once you get to college so I figured I would join the band wagon. I don't really know what I will be blogging about hence the "babbling" part of the title. Consider these blogs like an inside look into my life, thoughts, and ideas.  So lets get this started...

I mentioned before that I had a great day today and  there are several reasons why. Not only did Chartwells actually have great food today, but I also got a perfect on my Psych quiz (which is due to the fact that my friend Zach helped me, but it was still a satisfying accomplishment) and I got to have my much anticipated coffee date with my friend Tara. But those are only the superficial reasons why December 8, 2010 was such a great day. The more significant and really the thing that I will remember most is that today I finally became content.

Contentment has been something I have been praying about for a long time now (like 4 months or so).  I have been so busy whining and complaining to God about how unfair my life was and how I didnt have anything I wanted (I call this the Veruca Salt Syndrome). But today was the day that God put everything into perspective for me. He showed me, through a conversation with a friend, what would have been the outcome if I had things me way...and it was not a positive outcome. He showed me that the place where He has put me in, both physically and spiritually, is the best place for me. I am so glad to have this burden of discontent, ingratitude and selfishness off of my back. I am so grateful that God has placed these trials in my life (which is something I never thought I would be able to say). I realize now that God really does have my best in mind and that if I just let go of the reins then He will do amazing thing in and through me.

Well, the computer in the library is giving me my time warning and I still have half a book to read for an assignment due tomorrow (oops). So I'm signing off for now.



  1. sooo...Congrats to you and Zach for success in Psychology! I felt really badly on Sunday when I discovered that Zach had no idea we were road tripping to Brandon for dinner...I could sense his uneasiness at losing study time. So glad to hear that it came out well. ~ pastopher

    Oh...and regarding your contentment dilemma. Check out to gain some perspective.

  2. Continually praying for you my sweet child. Keep on blogging. I suck at it, but maybe you've inspired me to update mine. It's been over a year. Yeesh! LOVE YOU!
