Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Man In My Life

Whenever I talk to people who I have not spoken to in a while the first question I get, regardless of who they are, is "Are there any men in your life?" (or some variation of this). This usually leads me down one of two paths. I either talk about why me and Jacob are not together are not together or I get all flustered and excited about my latest crush (and subsequently when we are getting together and why we are not already). As much fun as these topics are, it gets tiresome having to talk about this all the time. So I have decided to answer the question for everyone once and for all. So here it goes...

The man in my life is someone who I never thought I would really love. I always kinda liked him and we would talk frequently but I never really LOVED him. We have had our ups and down and there have been a lot of times when I forgot about him cause there was another guy. But he stayed faithfully by my side and waited for me. He always gives the best advice and has my best in mind. He loves me unconditionally and tells me all the time how beautiful and valuable I am. I have known him forever but it was not until just recently that we really connected. He makes me the happiest I have ever been and I know that he and I will be together forever. Plus his dad is super cool. (I think his dad loves me more than my man does)

As great as my man is, I don't treat him very well. Dint get me wrong, I love him and am so grateful that he is in my life, but relationships are hard. There are, unfortunately , many times where I break promises, miss dates or ditch him for my friends. I am not very committed sometimes either. I will run to him and tell him how much I need him and want him back, but as soon as its inconvenient or difficult, I bail on him. But he still is there every time, waiting for me to come to my senses and come back to him. Some people may say that he is stupid, or that he should just let me go. I would agree with that statement, I don't deserve to have a man so great, but I do. He doesn't think he is being stupid, he knows that I am. He knows that I am going to mess up and that I am going to disappoint him, but he loves me anyway. But I think my favorite thing is that he GETS me. I never have to explain myself or what I am thinking...he just knows!

Now that I have told you all about my dream man, I figured its only fair that I give you his name...His name is Jesus. Yup that's right..I'm in a relationship with Jesus; the Savior of the world, King of kings, Lord of lords and Son of God. We face a lot of skeptics, who question the legitimacy of our relationship, but that just makes it more exciting. (I love proving people wrong) 

So for those of who who care to know, yes I am seeing someone...a very special someone...the greatest someone who ever lived. I know that even though my man is extremely jealous, that he will eventually bring another man in my life. A man who will make me happy and will take care of me. A man who also loves my man and who respects me too. But until Jesus lets that happen, I am more than happy with my relationship status (at least most days).


1 comment:

  1. Love your man!!! And btw HE'S MINE TOO!!!! Now how cool is that?! ;o)

    Love ya girl!
    Jo Mikel
    aka Roots Chick
