Friday, December 17, 2010

I the Israelite

If there is one thing that has stuck out to me in the Old Testament (or at least Genesis through Numbers), it is how ungrateful the Israelites were. They had so many encounters with God and He continually provided for them and protected them, and all they did was complain. They complained about food, they complained about water, they complained about Moses, they even complained about the Promise Land. Every time I read about one of these moments I couldn't help but say " ARE YOU SERIOUS?!". But as I began to think about it I realized that I am no different. God continues to bless me and provide for me in every way possible, but I still am ungrateful. I still complain. I am pretty sure that if I lived back in Old Testament times the ground would have opened up and swallowed me too. But thank God for His grace! He has me on a journey to my promise land but, I am too busy looking back toward Egypt that I can't even see it on the horizon. I am comfortable with my "Egypt" life of slavery and bondage because it is easy. God has something so much greater planned for me, but it requires a long walk through a difficult desert first. It requires that I don't always know the way and that I sometimes have to give up certain luxuries. I have a tendency to focus on these things instead of the BIG picture. God has promised me that He would take care of me and that He has some amazing things coming if only I would trust Him.. So am I really that different from the Old Testament Israelites who I like to judge and criticize? Sadly, the answer is no. But the good news is that God does not give up on me. He keeps bringing me back to Him, regardless of how many shortcuts I try to take, or how many places I settle that are not the Promise Land. Even though this journey is difficult and the path is unknown, I am so grateful that I have the best tour guide that ever lived.

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