Friday, December 10, 2010

My real college education.

Today I had my last class of the semester. I am so happy that I only have 2 days of finals and then I am home free. This semester has gone by so fast, I cant believe its almost over. I am excited for Christmas break but I am going to miss my friends here at SEU. The following is a list of things I have learned my first semester of college.

1. I am so lucky to be living with 7 girls who I get along with (I have seen Top Model, it can get ugly)
2. Ice cream cones are even better when you fill the bottom of the cone with sprinkles.
3. Midnight is still early.
4. The best places to study for psychology (or to do pretty much anything) are Starbucks and Ritas.
5. If you cannot find anything else to do, go to Wal Mart.
6. Proposals by the Jesus fountain are NOT romantic or original.
7. The greatest people can be met while waiting in line for Laser Tag.
8.If you watch the preview for the next episode of Criminal Minds, you are going to have to watch that episode.
9. Ramen is really good at 10:30pm.
10. It is a requirement to play some sort of instrument (preferably guitar)
11. Toms and skinny jeans are a must.
12. Pretty much anything can be made in a microwave if you try hard enough.
13. Leading a group of Middle School boys through a college campus can lead to some very interesting conversation.
14. I really should have read the syllabus.
15. I am incredibly blessed.
This has been an amazing semester. I have learned so much (even more than what's on this list). It has been a season of difficulty, stress, growth and joy and I can't wait to see how the next 7 semesters go.

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